Collection: What is veganism?

What is a vegan?

Veganism is a way of thinking that became widespread after the establishment of the Vegan Society in the UK in 1944. Basically, people who do not eat any animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, or honey, and who lead a life centered on vegetables and fruits, are called "complete vegetarians".

In other countries, many people start eating for religious reasons or out of a spirit of animal welfare, and many others incorporate it into their lifestyle for health and beauty. In Japan, many people start eating for diet and beauty reasons, but in recent years, more and more people around the world are choosing to eat because of animal welfare and environmental concerns.

Global warming is currently a problem.
Global warming is causing an increase in natural disasters such as heavy rain and destruction of the environment, but it is said that being vegan can help prevent these.

1 kg of pork emits 7.8 kg of CO2

According to the Tokyo Shimbun, the largest amount of greenhouse gas emissions related to diet is said to come from meat consumption .
Approximately 7.8 kg of CO2 is emitted during the production of pig feed, breeding, and slaughtering , and then another 3.3 kg is emitted before the pig is sold at a retail store . Of that 7.8 kg, 30% is emitted from the production and transportation of corn and wheat feed, and the remaining 50% is emitted from manure processing.

It is said that about 17,000 to 19,550 liters of water are needed to produce 0.5 kg of beef, which is about 43 times more than the amount needed to grow the same amount of grain. It is also said that one cow releases 200 to 800 liters of methane per day as burps .

As such, the production of animal-based foods requires a lot of resources and is said to be one of the causes of great damage to the Earth.

For these reasons, more and more people are choosing to go vegan in an attempt to reduce the negative environmental impact of animal agriculture.

In addition to diet, in recent years there are also people known as ethical vegans who avoid animal products in the things they use in their daily lives, such as clothing (no fur or knitwear) and cosmetics (no animal testing in the manufacturing process) .

Tokyo Shimbun
"Can we ignore the greenhouse gas emissions from meat production?"

Hiroshima University
"Research Results: Development of a New Formula for Calculating Methane Emissions from Cows and Publication of a Manual - Hopes of accelerating the development of technology to reduce methane emissions from cow burps"